
Monday, April 19, 2021

You should never reveal all your weaknesses and in a relationship, it's best to ease someone into your crazy, let it trickle in little by little instead of just unloading everything at the gate. Unless you just ooze craziness at all times like a certain protagonist from a certain mango...

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend with weed is better
A friend with breasts and all the rest
A friend who's dressed in leather

I enjoy the versatility of this collection, sadly, there's only one chapter left. But I do appreciate just how different they are without having to resort to something gimmicky like setting.

You've Gotta Love Song ch. 3

And now the third installment of Unlucky Young Men. Really good character work so far, really well paced in that area. Sadly couldn't find the official translation of this chapter's poem.

Unlucky Young Men ch. 3


  1. She got the good old Brutal, Savage, Rekt.

    She was warned tho, and she insisted on going anyways.

    1. Her status:
      [ ] Not REKT
      [x] REKT
      [x] Super REKT
      [x] Mega REKT
      [x] 12 Years a REKT

      But truthfully, her encounter with numbnuts was.... good for her.
